"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
-Albert Einstein
When most people Imagine Antarctica, they conjure up imagery of a cold, barren, icy land mass covering Earth’s South Pole — others (myself included) believe the mysterious continent might just be the most important place on the planet.
“Traditional Antarctica”
Antarctica holds over 70% of the Earths fresh water supply within its ice, and about 90% of ALL of Earth’s Ice period. With a red river flowing through, and plenty of active volcanoes, both geographically, and geologically speaking, “traditional Antarctica” is fascinating on its own..
Have you ever wondered who “owns”Antarctica? Antarctica isn’t owned by any specific country but rather “governed” by a group of nations under the Antarctica Treaty.
While the Antarctica Treaty started in 1959, with only 12 countries (7 countries claim portions of Antarctica as their territory), but has now grown to include 54 countries, and foreign states.
Lawless lands— While Antarctica doesn’t have any laws, nor is it governed directly by any country. Some countries have made claims on certain territories, but mostly disregarded by nations involved within the treaty.
Only adding further confusion, although the land is “lawless” — Antarctica is also a “no fly zone” territory, so unless you’re given special permission, chances are you won’t be viewing it from the skies. This has only furthered the speculation from “conspiracy-theorists” (I hate that word by the way!) that something is being hidden from the public. Scientists claim it has more to do with extreme weather making it unsafe for planes, than any sort of government cover up. (Side note: Who pays these scientists??? Asking for a friend)
With distrust in government disclosure, the “skeptics” took to Google-Earth — surprisingly their findings left even the science community befuddled. Massive dome shaped structures (that appear to be “man made”), can be seen from above. Scientists are unsure as to what these structures are, and how they got there, but do agree that the structures do not look to be created by nature.
Some have even speculated that this might be “the smoking gun” to the long time theory of a lost civilization being hidden under Antarctica’s ice.
Prior to the Antarctica Treaty - Admiral Richard E. Byrd lead Operation High-Jump, a US Military operation created to establish a military presence in Antarctica. Years later when Admiral Byrds diary was discovered, along with his flight log, a very strange encounter was mentioned with in his journal.
Along side his flight log, with times and dates, Admiral Byrd penned his journey into the unknown with great detail — or so they say... 1oddday Admiral Byrd (one of the highest ranking military officials at the time) claimed that his plane was taken control by some mysterious force. This force took control of the admirals wings eventually landing the plane in what appeared to him as a glowing city — where he was greeted by an odd looking group of people. Eventually escorted to an underground base to meet with the groups leader who informed him that not only is the earth hollow, but Antarctica is the entry point.
Admiral Byrd’s Diary has been archived at Ohio State University. Unfortunately none of these claims can be substantiated, but do make for an interesting read, as well as endless possibilities for the imagination to explore...