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"Gary Powers, Jr. Discusses His Famous U-2 Pilot Father And UFOs"
- Forbes 1.2.25
"Tech Companies Are Seeking To Develop AI That Excels at Flattering and Manipulating Us" - The Debrief 1.1.25
"Decades of debunking: One man's quest to explain UFOs without aliens" - Yahoo News 12.23.24
"Another 'UFO orb' spotted over US military base in latest mystery sighting" Mirror 1.5.24
"Ex-NASA astronaut encounters mysterious flying orbs 9,000 ft. in air" - NEWSNATION 12.26.24
"UFOs or Santa's helpers? Mysterious lights spotted over Fresno on Christmas Eve'" - Fox26News 12.26.24
"Disturbing video appears to show UFO off New Jersey coast as drones mystery deepens" - Daily Mail 12.28.24
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